Optimizing Hormone Health for Aging Well

Join this insightful discussion on the practical aspects of hormone optimization for effective aging.

Explore the distinct benefits of testosterone for men and the essential roles played by estrogen and progesterone in women. Understand how optimized testosterone contributes to improved energy levels, muscle mass, and cognitive function in men. The crucial significance of estrogen and progesterone in bolstering women’s bone health, stabilizing mood, and enhancing resilience will also be covered.

This webinar with Dr. Rena Malik delivers evidence-based insights, providing a foundation for informed decisions and strategic interventions to promote optimal aging.

This webinar was presented live on Monday, March 25. You are watching a recording.

Watch Recording for Free




Dr. Rena Malik is a urologist and expert in Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS)/Urogynecology. She focuses on the care of patients with pelvic health issues such as urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control) and pelvic organ prolapse (vaginal bulge due to bladder, uterus, rectum or bowel dropping), neurogenic bladder, and urogenital reconstruction for stricture disease or fistulas of the lower urinary tract.

Dr. Malik is passionate about the care she provides her patients and works hard to ensure her patients are heard and their goals are met.

Dr. Malik was named Top Urology and Urogynecology Doctor in Baltimore Magazine for 2019.